
Why is melanin important for the health of our skin?

Melanin is a pigment produced by our body and is responsible for the color of our body.

The main function of melanin is photo protection, that is, the preservation of the DNA of our cells, after the damage caused by solar radiation. For this reason, when a person is exposed to sunlight, the body reacts by making the skin darker. This is because the production of melanin is stimulated. However, we must not neglect ourselves, and always use sunscreen, as our natural shield is not fully effective.

The amount of melanin produced varies between people and is genetically determined. If you notice the people around you, the lighter ones produce less melanin and the darker ones more.

The skin color gets darker as the amount of melanosomes [pigmented cytoplasmic particles] in the subcutaneous region of our skin increases. The basic shade of each person is produced by the constructive melanin that is linked to genetics. However, the tone we get from exposure to the sun is the result of the action of the optional melanin. It is produced only after the action of ultraviolet rays. In this case, the skin color is changed depending on the exposure.

Some problems can occur in the production of melanin that cause excess or deficiency of the pigment.

Albinism is a disease linked to the lack of melanin in the body. There is no pigment production on the skin. People who suffer from this condition have very light skin, eyes and hair and are extremely sensitive to the sun, they have almost no protective shield.

Melasma occurs from the excess production of melanin. People with this condition have brownish-colored patches. These usually occur in the areas of the cheeks, forehead and fluff. They are caused by sun exposure or hormonal imbalance.

There are foods that can stimulate melanin production for faster tanning. The consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A, C and E, in addition to beta-carotenes, as they speed up the creation of melanin.

However, there is a product that activates melanin, and you only find it here at Sun Biotan. Get a beautiful tan all year long and always have your melanin cared for and beautiful. Our products are non-invasive and do not harm the health of your skin.


Posted on Feb 1, 2021

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