Sun Biotan®, promise we make to our customers but also to ourselves
Brand Sun Biotan®
Sun Biotan® was born in Portugal in 2015 and in 5 years it quickly conquered the national and international market with products for the well-being of your skin.
Purpose of Sun Biotan®
Maximum results with guaranteed effectiveness!
SUN BIOTAN ® is a winning and excellent product , leader in the professional natural tanning sector, the only one that promotes the activation of melanin, and products for the health and beauty of the skin .
In Portugal, it already represents the largest network of authorized beauty centers offering the professional Sun Biotan® natural tanning treatment , in addition to our creams and perfumes , and is already growing fast in Spain, Italy and several other countries.
Our work is based on a single philosophy: get maximum results with guaranteed effectiveness!
That's why we use the best of scientific research in cosmetics worldwide, creating pleasant products with a fascinating sensory appeal that take care of your skin's health and well-being.
Whether private or professional , visit our website and enter the world of beauty SUN BIOTAN® discovering all our products and services.
Tanning Treatment
Long-lasting treatment with natural melanin stimulation and for a unique skin hydration. The only alternative to the Solarium and Jet Bronze!
Perfume in cream
But if we don't feel good about what we see every day in the mirror, inside we won't be well either. And if the body is our temple, our pillar to face the world, it must be at its best.
We believe that beauty is also what makes us, who seeks it. And that she is different from person to person. Find yours and be happy.